Typical Watts Densities

Typical Watts Density:

A guide to Watts Density rating, for heating elements, for a wide range of materials.

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Material being Heated Operating Temperature °C Watts Density W/cm2
Alkali Cleaning Solution 100 6.0
Asphalt, Tar, etc 90-250 1-1.5
Caustic Soda (75%) 80 4.0
Degreasing Solutions (Vapour) 135 3.0
Heat Tansfer Oils 320 3.0
Elements Cast into Aluminium 400max 8.0
Elenets Cast into Iron 550max 8.5
Ethylene Glycol 150 1.5
Fatty Acids 70 3.0
Fuel Oil 70 6.0 1.5
Freon 150 0.5
Glycerine 100 6.0
Water 100 15.0
Kerosene/Paraffin 150 0.5
Linseed Oil 70 8.0
Molten Salt Bath 400-500 4-5
Mineral Oil 100-200 2-3
Oil Quench Bath 200-300 3-4
Propylene Glycol 70 3.0
Trichlorethylene 70 3.0
Vegetable Oil s 200 5-6
Material being Heated Operating Temperature °F Watts Density W/in2
Alkali Cleaning Solution 212 38.85
Asphalt, Tar, etc 194-482 6.475-9.712
Caustic Soda (75%) 176 25.9
Degreasing Solutions (Vapour) 275 19.425
Heat Tansfer Oils 608 19.425
Elements Cast into Aluminium 752max 51.8
Elenets Cast into Iron 1022max 55.038
Ethylene Glycol 302 9.713
Fatty Acids 158 19.425
Fuel Oil 158 38.85 9.713
Freon 302 3.238
Glycerine 212 38.85
Water 212 97.125
Kerosene/Paraffin 302 3.238
Linseed Oil 158 51.8
Molten Salt Bath 752-932 25.9-32.375
Mineral Oil 212-392 12.95-19.425
Oil Quench Bath 392-572 19.425-25.9
Propylene Glycol 158 19.425
Trichlorethylene 158 19.425
Vegetable Oil s 392 32.375-38.85
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